Profile—Jonathan Gee
How long have you been VUWSA President for?
In my heart, years, but IRL like 3 months. Best 3 months of my life though!
What’s the best part of your job?
Being able to see all the students line up for the VUWSA tacos was a great feeling. I’m passionate about students’ rights to free tacos – which is currently being threatened by the government. Students need a strong voice to ensure the continued provision of tacos.
What’s the worst part of your job?
I have to write a column for Salient every week, and I have heard that it is a disgusting travesty!
So what do you actually do?
I Instagram my socks, and tweet about them. It gets exhausting but I am passionate about creating an eclectic vibe and becoming a sock-role-model for students. VUWSA needs to devote more efforts to sock diversity on campus – that will be my legacy.
Kanye West or Kendrick Lamar?
Gee-Eazy ;)
Any Parting words of wisdom?
In the words of my dear friend, Mr Marx: Capital is dead labor, which, vampire-like, lives only by sucking living labor, and lives the more, the more labor it sucks.
Going up
- Body positivity
- Twisties, a retro fave
- Michelle Obama. She released a song called “This Is For Our My Girls” and it rocks
- Donating spare organs
- H2O
Going down
- Sugar
- Flies. Fucking flies fucking suck
- Over the counter chit chat.
- Single-use plastics.
[‘Strayan] Humdingers
Aussie footballer Liam Knight has been caught speeding and drunk driving on the equivalent of a restricted license. When pulled over, he allegedly sprayed aerosol down his throat to avoid being breath tested.
10 birds fitted with miniature backpacks carrying pollution sensors and GPS trackers are flying around London, tweeting their data to measure air pollution. Often discriminated against and labelled ‘sky rats’, these pigeons are helping to fight smog and deserve a medal.
Keen to Korero
He waka tere toku
I have a fast car
Ata marie
Good morning